10. Being yourself--what's the risk?
10. We see Bernard telling Lenina “I’d rather be myself. Myself and nasty. Not somebody else, however jolly.” What is this showing us about Bernard. Why is he willing to risk saying this?
A discussion of Huxley's Brave New World.
Bernard is basicly saying he can only be himself. wheather that it mean and a jerk as he is or nice. it is showing what type of person he is. he has a very strong perosonality and he is willing to show how is his because he cant be anyone else. im not really sure why he is willing to risk saying that.
Bernard wants to be himself even if he is nasty because it beats being exactly the same as the person sitting next to you. Beranrd is willing to risk being himself for a little freedom so that he can experience life and all the dangers involved.
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